Humidity and Temperature Sensor


this sensor has the feature of big high brightness LCD display screen,intuitive observation,easy operation.

Main features:

  • RS485 and Relay On/Off Outputs
  • Facilitate remote monitoring system integration
  • Real-time Temperature and Humiditymonitoring
  • Supports 4 out putting,which can be separately connected to fan,heater,dehumidifier,humidifier etc
Product Name: Humidity and Temperature Sensor
Model: P-TH1
Output mode : RS485 Port
working voltage : 12VDC(6V~15VDC)
The range of measurement : Temperature range -20℃~80℃ OR -4℉~176℉
Humidity range 0~100% RH
Measurement accuracy : Temperature error <±0.5℃,At 25 ℃ when testing
Humidity error < ±5% RH,At 25 ℃ when testing
Communication interface : Physical interface RS485
Transmission distance 1200m,STP
Address range 1-254.Through the Settings
communication protocol MODBUS-RTU protocol
Baud rate 2400/4800/9600 can be chosen/Factory Default/9600bps
Data format N/8/1
EMC index : EFT(pulse train) difference module±2KV
ESD(static electricity) Contact discharge ±6KV/air discharge±8KV
Dimension(mm): 80(L)x80(W)x30(H)
Weight(g) : 250g

Product Overview

This Sensor has the feature of big high brightness LCD display screen,intuitive observation,easy operation,
Using the latest patented technology sensitive element,has the characteristics of self-recovery and self-correction function, high accuracy, and good consistency,
Big high brightness LCD display screen,intuitive observation,easy operation,
Temperature unit selection:degree centigrade(℃)、Fahrenheit degree(℉) can be setting,can be used on a global scale。

Featuring patented sensitive element technology, this device ensures self-recovery, self-correction, high accuracy, and consistency. Its bright LCD display offers intuitive observation and easy operation. With ℃/℉ temperature unit selection, it supports global usability. Error correction settings simplify regular checks, while the RS485 interface with MODBUS protocol enables seamless remote monitoring. The air duct design prevents temperature rise impact, and electromagnetic interference resistance ensures reliability. Additionally, the power input defense function protects the equipment, while the modular structure allows for easy installation and maintenance.

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